

wrapped in strength quiet dignity permeates the cloth draped across her skin accentuating her spirit her wisdom shines outward like a beacon of hope slowly she smiles and warmth radiates from her eyes she strokes my face and I am beckoned to follow the realization of loss sweeps over me as the void closes in…

Forever and Always

As I was driving home, rounding a curve in the road, I thought to myself, “And I said to you, my darling, we have forever and always.” It stretched itself in my mind, growing to become a poem. and I said to you, my darlingwe have forever and alwaysyour hand cupped in mine againstmy soft…

Home: A Poem

Home is many things to many people, but to me it is creaking steps, cows calling their calves, and an abundance of wildflowers.

My Grandmother Is Dying

The cancer has spread through her lungs, her spine, her liver, and her brain. I can hear a pained slur when we speak on the phone. She lives on the other side of the country. I might never see her again.

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